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Hypothetical Job Posting (06/03/2020)

Tom Vincent

As part of one module of university coursework, we are required to seek out a real job listing and create a hypothetical cover letter, as well as participate in a mock job interview. This job must reflect your practices and plausibly continue the career of the interviewee. As my passion lies in conservation and environmental issues, my plan was to seek out an entry job with the National Trust in order to gain an entry into land management and hands-on conservation.

All of which are features of the occupation of National Trust Rangers that caretake the grounds and guide/inform visitors. One opening for a Ranger was coincidentally open for a National Trust site, Acorn Bank, in Penrith; a town not far from where I am situated in Carlisle. With that opening I took advantage of a prime opportunity to flesh out a cover letter I am truly passionate about.

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